Epson India has officially launched its 24-inch desktop sublimation InkTank printer in the country. Named SC-F531, the product comes at a price of Rs. 1,85,999 inclusive of GST. There is also a 1-year warranty accompanying the Epson SC-F531 which also gets a novel Fluorescent Yellow and Pink inks. This enables customers to make unique hues which are not otherwise possible with regular inks.
Tailored for the production of custom mugs, t-shirts, personalized gifts and awards among other categories, the Epson SC-F531 is ideal for photo studios, photo labs, suppliers of corporate gifting products and textile screen printers, promising a space-saving and compact design coupled with efficient performance and ample flexibility for printing across diverse media. The fluorescent inks also possess illumination attributes whenever they are placed under UV light. The printer in question has a highly effective InkTank for high volume printing requirements.
There are unique ink bottles on offer which can be refilled by customers easily during printing, thereby lowering overall downtime considerably. There is also the PrecisionCore TFP print head along with the inks which cumulatively ensure superlative quality of images along with excellent gradation, higher color density and a wider gamut. The engine offers ample support for production related speeds going up to 21m2/hr and the integrated auto-cutter facilitates sheet-based production output while printing across sheet and roll media alike. According to the General Manager at Epson India, Vasudevan LK, Epson remains fully committed towards enabling growth for digital textiles in India and the introduction of the SC-F531 is an exciting addition for the brand’s award-winning range of products. This printer caters to increasing market demand for smaller businesses desirous of foraying into the textile printer segment with lower investments. The dye sublimation printer is easy to operate and will enable creation of several personalized products, home décor, fashion apparel and furnishings alike. The Epson SC-F531 will ensure high image quality for small businesses while offering a space-saving and compact sublimation printer with rich features. These will fit conveniently on desktops while added benefits include the yellow and fluorescent pink inks.