Brother printers are a very popular investment for both home and work environments. Even though the printer’s box comes with all, you need to use the printer with your machine. However, it only comes with a CD-ROM that includes all the drivers necessary. With the advent of technology, CD disks have become less and less common in the market. Consequently, people have stopped including a CD-ROM drive in their computers. You must be wondering how to install & Setup Brother Wireless Printer Without Cd on Mac since that was the most common way.
Download the Driver
Well, there is no need to worry since the programmers at Brother Printer have found other efficient means of installing the printer’s driver on a machine. The internet has played a very important role in making technology easy and convenient to use. Brother shows this as an excellent opportunity to help people having a problem with CD-ROM installations. They uploaded driver downloads for the majority of their printers on their support center website. All you will need to do is type in your printer’s model number and search for it on the website. Once you have found it, clicking on it will provide you with all the information and instructions you need specific to your printer’s model number. However, before that, you will need to select if you are looking to install the drivers on a Windows machine or a Mac computer.

After the drivers are downloaded, drag and move the folder to ‘Printers.’ This folder is on the hard drive of the system, in the ‘Control Panel.’ If the driver is not placed there, the printer might have some issues recognizing your machine even after the drivers are installed. A lot of consumers have problems with How to Install & Setup Brother Wireless Printer Without Cd On Mac, soto make it simple for the consumers, Brothers has skillfully designed the setup prompts to help you get to the next step.
Choose the operating system you are using on your computer, in this case, Macintosh, and then you will be prompted to choose the kind of setup you want. While most consumers choose the full package setup since it allows you to use all the features and functions of the printer, you can also decide to choose a personal or custom setting. After the setup is complete, read the user agreement before clicking agree and continue with the setup.
Configure the Brother printer to a network
Downloading the drivers is only the first step of How to Install& Setup Brother Wireless Printer Without Cd On Mac. The majority of the printers nowadays have wireless connectivity inbuilt, making it even more efficient. This way, you can use a number of devices on a local network without having to plug each in the printer. However, the printer is not hard-wired to any router, which means you have to configure it to your personal network for seamless functioning.
Before starting the process, it is advised that you get all the necessary information about your connection, like the network passwords or name. If you are having trouble finding this information, passwordsare most times known as encryption keys or network keys, while the name of the network will be the SSID. You can find all of this information at the bottom of your router. A USB cable will also be needed for this process.
Firstly turn the computer and printer on without connecting the USB. After the drivers have been installed, open the printer’s network driver and click on the ‘configure’ button, and choose ‘Brother Peer-to-Peer Network.’ After that, connect your USB cable to the computer and printer. This will further prompt a query asking if you allow the printer access through the firewall to the network. After allowing that, click on ‘wireless setup’, and you are done. This will ensure that the printer will work on the network instead of the USB wire. The driver will automatically recognize your network. Once done, select it, and follow the remaining instructions, and you are all set to use your new Brother Printer wirelessly across all devices connected to the same network.