Suppose you need to print something speedily, but you discover a printer ‘not-working’ issue. And the situation leads to utmost frustration. But there are times when the user does not give consider using the A4 size paper. And due to the user’s fault, the printer will show an error. The error code is 016-910. So, have you already experienced error 910 recently?
If yes, it is time to fix the printer with some troubleshooting methods. Look forward to the simplest and most straightforward ways to resolve the issue in your printer. This post shall narrate the easiest methods.

Method 1: Turn off the printer
The first method is to turn off your printer. After you switch it off, wait for a few minutes for it to switch on. Now, check out whether the issue is resolved or not. If not, it is time to fix the issue using another troubleshooting method.
Method 2: Establishing the Paper Size
Here’s a simple and short method to resolve the issue:
- Firstly, determine the error message. The code is lots of tray mistakes, and it will show whether you locate the mismatch between the newspaper and paper PC required.
- Print the placing report from a printing setting record it does not matter the Sort of paper utilized
- If the issue persists with the printing setup report, check for the paper present sensor
- Allow substitute tray option
- Now, you need to check the paper’ssize
- After this, you must check the Printer Driver Kind &dimension preferences
- Check for the application kind &size preferences too
To check the Paper Present Sensor, follow the given pointers:
- Firstly, you need to remove the paper tray
- Next, you must check the paper present sensor and whether it moves freely and is not damaged or stuck
- When the sensor is damaged, it is time to consult the support team
- And if it is undamaged, install a tray to your printer. But if it doesn’t resolve the issue, it is time to consult the support team
If you want to enable the substitute tray, look forward to the following pointers:
- Firstly, press the menu key on the printer’s operator panel
- Click on the Down Arrow until the “Admin Menu” option is highlighted
- After this, you need to press the Checkmark
- Choose the System Settingsoption
- Select the Substitute Trayoption
- Select the Nearest Size option
But when the problem still persists, check your printer’s paper size and settings. To do so, learn these pointers:
- Firstly, you need to remove the paper tray
- Next, you have to remove the paper
- After this, it is time to adjust the length size
- Now is the right time to replace the paper and re-insert the tray
Want to check the printer driver size and the typesetting? Check out the given steps:
- Navigate to the printer & faxes folder or even Devices and Printers
- Right-click and choose Printing Preferences
- Ensure the paper type, size, and source options match the paper present in the paper
- Click “OK”
- To print the Windows test page, you need to right-click on the icon & choose “Properties” or Printer Properties
- Tap on the button that mentions Print Test Page
When the test page prints but you are not able to print applications, check the app size:
- Choose a file in the application
- Confirm the paper source and size settings
After this, you need to choose Page Layout and choose the small arrow. Choose “Paper” and confirm the Paper Size & Paper Source. After this, tap on OK.